
Articles Table of Contents

Articles and research on Internet addiction: what makes the internet addictive, cybersex and infidelity online, online gambling addiction and more.

Articles on Treatment of Internet Addiction

Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Disorder
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young

This article attempts to differentiate addictive from normal use of the Internet. The paper also documents significant behavioral and functional differences between those subjects classified as addicts and non-addicts. On-line addicts in this study spent an average of 38 hours per week on-line, mostly used interactive applications such as chat rooms and MUDs, and were unable to control their Internet usage which resulted in significant marital, academic, and job related problems.

The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Depression
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young and Robert C. Rodgers

This study showed that levels of depression as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) correlated with pathological Internet use. This article discusses implications for assessment and treatment planning in cases where a primary psychiatric condition is related to a subsequent impulse control problem such as pathological Internet use.

What Makes the Internet Addictive: Potential Explanations for Pathological Internet Use
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young

This article discusses the psychological reinforcement of increased social support, engagement in unforbidden sexual fantasies through cybersex, and the ability to reinvent oneself through on-line personas that provide potential explanations for addictive Internet use.

Cyber-Disorders: The Mental Health Concern for the New Millennium
by Kimberly Young, Molly Pistner, James O'Mara, and Jennifer Buchanan

This study surveyed therapists who have treated clients suffering from cyber-related problems to gather outcome information on incidence rates and treatment. Five general subtypes of Internet addiction were categorized that include addictions to Cybersex, Cyber-relationships, online stock trading or gambling, information surfing, and computer games. Treatment strategies included cognitive-behavioral approaches, sexual offender therapy, marital and family therapy, social skills training, and pharmacological interventions. Finally, this paper examines the impact of cyber-disorders on future research, treatment, and public policy issues for the new millennium.

Cybersex and Infidelity Online: Implications for Evaluation and Treatment
by Dr. Kimberly Young, Jame O'Mara, & Jennifer Buchanan

This paper outlines warning signs of a cyberaffairs and shows their dramatic impact on marital separation and divorce. The ACE Model (Anonymity, Convenience, Escape) of Cybersexual Addiction provides a workable framework to explain the underlying cyber-cultural issues that increase the risk of virtual adultery. Finally, the paper outlines specific treatment interventions.

Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young

This paper is geared towards mental health practitioners who have dealt with cases of Internet addiction in their clinical practice. This article outlines the complications to diagnosis of Internet addiction, a comprehensive evaluation procedure to assess for this disorder, and several treatment strategies for recovery.

Legal Articles

Interventions for Pathological and Deviant Behavior Within an Online Community
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young

This paper investigates the potential of using on-line interventions including e-mail consultation and real-time chat for addictive and deviant behavior. Preliminary findings are presented and treatment implications are discussed.

The Legal Ramifications of Internet Addiction
by Dr. Kimberly Young

The credibility of Internet addiction has become a legal issue in both civil and criminal courts coming up in divorce cases and custody hearings as well as child pornography.

General Interest Articles

Internet Addiction: Personality Traits Associated with Its Development
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young and Robert C. Rodgers

This paper utilizes the 16PF to measure potential personality traits using associated with compulsive Internet use. Preliminary findings are presented and treatment implications are discussed.

Addictive Use of the Internet: A Case That Breaks the Stereotype
by Dr. Kimberly S. Young

This paper dispels the popular stereotype of the young, computer-savvy male as the prototypical Internet addict by outlining a case study of a 43 year old woman addicted to chat rooms which eventually destroys her 17 year marriage.

Is the Internet Addictive, or Are Addicts Using the Internet?
by Storm A. King

This paper is an overview of current research findings and an attempt to explore some of the possible explanations for this phenomena. Factors related to what makes the Internet attractive and who is most at risk for becoming addicted are discussed.

Women's Growing Addiction to the Internet

People who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to be thirty-something women than the stereotyped shy, male teenagers.

Why is This Thing Eating My Life? Computer and Cyberspace Addiction
by Dr. John Suler

Dr. Suler examines the Palace, a forum which provides graphical interface where participants create personal avatars (cartoon like characters ) which interact among other avatars in a visually rich environment. His paper examines why some people might become addicted to that type of environment in terms of how this activity fulfills all of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Computer and Cyberspace Addiction
by Dr. John Suler

This article examines the multiple definitions and clarifies several common warning signs of computer/Internet addiction.

Computer Addictions Entangle Students
by Bridget Murray

This article appeared in the American Psychological Association's trade newspaper, The APA Monitor and focuses on college students who suffer from academic failure and poor social relationships due to Internet misuse.

Hooked on the Net
by Debbie Seaman

A Time Magazine article outlining the problems with Internet misuse in the workplace and among families.

Researchers Find Sad, Lonely People on the Internet
by Amy Harmon.

A New York Times article about surprising results of the Carnagie Mellon Study that found increased levels of depression and loneliness after a two-year study of Internet users. Related links are provided.

Sex, Lies, and Techno Escapes
by Ej Gong

ABCNEWS story why people can't stay offline.

Gambling Online? You Bet!

As famous names and established companies get involved, opposition to Internet gambling is appealing to crumble.

Sex on the Net

News story that reviews the results of a survey of over 9,000 readers published in a journal of the American Psychological Association.

Internet Addiction: Is it just this month's hang-wringer for worryworts, or a genuine problem?
By R.W. Greene

A Computerworld Magazine article that examines the symptoms and existence of Internet addiction. The article contains extensive quotes from leaders in the field.

Dealing with Online Auction Addiction and Obsessive Online Trading

February 11, 1999 - New York Times - Buying is only a click (oops!) away February 3 - MSNBC - Bidding til your broke

next:  Computer Addictions Entangle Students
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 6). Articles Table of Contents, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 9 from

Last Updated: October 6, 2015

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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