
Stress: Workaholic Test

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Are you a workaholic? More and more people are finding they live for work. Unlike people who simply work very hard, which, quite frankly, is most of us, workaholics never punch out. They always feel like they are on the clock, 24/7, physically, mentally and emotionally working. So see where you fit in and take the workaholic test below. Use to results to see if it's time for you to make some changes.

Instructions: Base your answers on your actual current work situation. Then click the “score” button for an interpretation of your Workaholic Test score.

1. I prefer to do most things myself rather than ask for help.
2. I get very impatient when I have to wait for someone else or when something takes too long, such as long, slow moving lines.
3. I seem to be in a hurry and racing against the clock.
4. I get irritated when I am interrupted while I am in the middle of something.
5. I stay busy and keep many 'irons in the fire'.
6. I find myself doing two or three things at one time, such as eating lunch and writing a memo while talking on the phone.
7. I overcommit myself by biting off more than I can chew.
8. I feel guilty when I am not working on something.
9. It is important that I see the concrete results of what I do.
10. I am more interested in the final results of my work than in the process.
11. Things just never seem to move fast enough or get done fast enough for me.
12. I lose my temper when things don't go my way or work out to suit me.
13. I ask the same question, without realizing it, after I've already been given the answer.
14. I spend a lot of time mentally planning future events, while tuning out the here and now.
15. I find myself continuing to work after my coworkers have called it quits.
16. I get angry when people don't meet my standards of perfection.
17. I get upset when I am in situations where I cannot be in control.
18. I tend to put myself under pressure with selfimposed conditions.
19. It is hard for me to relax when I'm not working.
20. I spend more time working than socializing with friends, on hobbies or on leisure activities.
21. I dive into projects to get a head start before all the phases have been finalized.
22. I get upset with myself for making even the smallest mistake.
23. I put more thought, time and energy into my work than I do into my relationships with friends and loved ones.
24. I forget, ignore or minimize important family celebrations such as birthdays, reunions, anniversaries or holidays.
25. I make important decisions before I have all the facts and have a chance to think them through thoroughly.