
Use These Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief

Positive affirmations for anxiety do work. Learn how to use affirmations for anxiety relief and how you can make your own on HealthyPlace

Positive affirmations are replacements for anxious thoughts. They provide real, tangible anxiety relief because they address one of anxiety’s most insidious effects: harsh, negative thoughts and self-beliefs. Positive affirmations allow us to take control of anxiety by choosing our thoughts rather than remaining at the mercy of anxious thoughts.

Positive affirmations for anxiety have a broad application, usable in many situations such as in periods of intense anxiety, during an anxiety attack, and during times of relatively low stress and anxiety for regular reinforcement of healthy, positive beliefs. Anxious thoughts feel realistic, but that is an illusion created and perpetuated by anxiety. The truth about who we are and what we can do is uncovered when we design and use positive affirmations.

Guidelines for Creating Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

When developing your affirmations for stress and anxiety, following these tips will maximize their effectiveness in reducing anxiety as well as the intensity and duration of anxiety attacks.

  • Keep them short, just a brief phrase or sentence.
  • Make them meaningful to who you are and the goals you have.
  • Fit them to your personality (use humor and lightheartedness, or make them serious).
  • Create statements that encourage.
  • Incorporate reminders of facts, such as your strengths or accomplishments.
  • Affirmations specifically for anxiety attacks can incorporate supportive reminders that you get through these episodes.
  • Write them using positive statements, emphasizing what you are rather than what you are not.
  • “I” statements are most effective.
  • Focus on the present rather than the past or future.
  • Make the affirmations statements you buy into.
  • Pay attention to your anxious, harsh self-talk, and write affirmations to target them.

Examples of Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief

There is no limit to affirmations for replacing anxious thoughts. The most important thing is that they speak to you personally, counter your own negative self-talk, and are meaningful. Use positive affirmations from a list such as this one, reword them to fit you, or start from scratch. You have the ability to pick the best affirmations for you.

  • I’ve survived this before, I’ll survive now.
  • I’m strong and can persevere.
  • I know that I’m not my anxiety.
  • I can take things one step at a time.
  • I live only in this moment.
  • I approach this situation with openness and curiosity.
  • I’m someone who can focus on the beauty around me.
  • I’m in charge of my breathing, and I can slow it down.
  • I enjoy my feelings of inner calm.
  • I’m actively taking steps to reduce my anxiety.
  • I’m talented and have many things to offer.
  • I contribute positively to my family.
  • I enjoy making others laugh.
  • I’m an excellent listener.
  • I cultivate patience to overcome anxiety.
  • I’m courageous and can make it through.
  • I use my unique strengths to move beyond anxiety.
  • I know what I value and place my energy there instead of on anxiety.

Whether you pick positive affirmations for anxiety from a list or create your own, write them down on small cards, craft sticks, or anything you can carry with you. Also, place your affirmations in places where you will see them. To be fully effective, affirmations must be read and re-read, rehearsed and practiced. The more you see the statements and repeat them to yourself, the more they become natural thoughts.

Affirmations are a useful tool for anxiety relief, for when we use them we’re actively replacing anxiety with realistic self-talk that represents the real version of ourselves and our potential. With positive affirmations, you can go forth and conquer anxiety, anxiety attacks, and stress.

article references

APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2021, December 21). Use These Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Last Updated: January 6, 2022

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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