
Making Videos for

First, thank you for offering to help us with our video project.   Our aim is to provide insight into various aspects of mental health and to let others know what it's like living with a mental health disorder.

Here are some guidelines for making the video:

  1. Shorter is better, keeping our videos to 2 minutes is our goal. Most people prefer short videos where the message is clear.
  2. Be a real person telling your story, not an actor with scripted lines.
  3. Good sound quality and proper lighting are essential to a convincing video. The sound quality is very important and will detract from the experience if it is not good.
  4. The Web does not require the video to be over-produced; glam and slick do not work on the Web.   Feel free to use either your webcam or camcorder, if you wish (the background does not have to be "you sitting in front of your computer).
  5. The video should have a strong narrative, it must tell a story.
  6. At the beginning of your video, quickly restate the question you are responding to. For instance, if the question is: How did you begin to realize the symptoms of depression in yourself? You can start your video by saying something like this: I started seeing the symptoms of depression in myself...

Questions to respond to in separate videos:

These are a list of questions that people coming to are interested in. You may respond to as many as you wish.   Please remember though, address each question in a separate video.   Thank you.

A.   Symptoms

  1. How did you realize you might have (disorder name) and what was your reaction to that?
  2. What (disorder) symptoms did you experience and how did that affect your life and relationships?
  3. Did the symptoms of (disorder) get worse or better over time? and could you trace that to anything -- treatment, stress, etc.?

B.   Diagnosis

  1. What prompted you to get a diagnosis?
  2. Who did you see to get a diagnosis (family doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, etc.) and what did that consist of (written tests, interviews, family history, talking with other family members, etc.)? And were you anxious, happy, etc. about even seeing someone?
  3. Was the diagnosis correct?   If not, how many times did you see someone before you received a correct diagnosis?   If multiple times, how did that make you feel and what happened to you because of incorrect diagnoses?
  4. How did you feel about getting a diagnosis of (disorder name)?   Relieved, scared, etc. and why?
  5. If anyone else knew about the diagnosis (shortly after you received it) - parents, friends, husband/wife, brother/sister, co-workers - how did they react and how did you feel about them knowing about it?
  6. Some people are scared to get a diagnosis or any sort of confirmation that they might have a "problem." Would you recommend someone else see a professional to get a diagnosis and why?   And should they have any concerns?

C.   Treatment

Please do not mention a medication by brand name. Instead use the category name, such as antidepressant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic, mood stabilizer, adhd medication, etc.

  1. What kind of treatment do you receive for (disorder)? Specifically, how does it help with your symptoms?
  2. If you've had to switch treatments over time, please talk about that -- why and your feelings behind having to switch (frustrating, glad, angry, etc.).   And the process of switching?
  3. What one or two things have you found to be the most effective ways of treating your symptoms for (disorder) and why?

D.   Treatment - Medications

This section is for those taking medication for the disorder.

  1. How do you feel about taking a psychiatric medication for (disorder) and why?
  2. How do you feel when you are taking a medication for (disorder) vs. not taking it?
  3. What has been your experience with psychiatric medications?   Are they helpful? Not helpful? Have drawbacks?
  4. Have you experienced any side-effects from the (disorder) medication?   What ones?   How have they impacted you?   How do you deal with them?
  5. Have you thought about quitting the medication for (disorder)?   Why?   Have you ever stopped taking the medication?   Why and what happened?

E.   Others' Reactions - Stigma

  1. Since your diagnosis, have you ever told anyone else that you have (disorder)?   If not, why? If yes, why did you tell them and what went into your decision to tell them?
  2. How do others react when you tell them you have (disorder)?   And how does that make you feel?
  3. Have you ever told anyone at work, co-workers, your boss, etc, that you have (disorder)?   If not, why not?   If so, why and what was their reaction?   Were/are you concerned that it might affect your position at the company, the way they treat you, or limit promotions?
  4. Have you ever experienced stigma because of your (disorder)?   What happened?   What was that like? How did/would you deal with it?
  5. Has (disorder) affected your relationship with a relationship (marriage, dating) partner? Or close family member - mother, father, brother, sister?   If so, in what way and how has that impacted you?   And did you try to fix the situation and how and the result?
  6. How do your family members react to you having (disorder)?   And how does that make you feel?

Uploading your video files to

Naming your file

Name your file this way: first name-disorder-category-question number.   So if you have depression and answered the question "what prompted you to get a diagnosis," the file name would look like this:

Uploading file

  • go here
  • username:   hpvideo (password is same as username)

Then please send an email to: and let us know that you uploaded the files and please include the file names.

We truly appreciate your help with this project.   You can rest assured that your efforts will help many others.

back to: Mental Health Videos

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2009, January 25). Making Videos for, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 13 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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