
Hypomanic Hannah: What Does Hypomania Feel Like?

A major part of living with bipolar 2 disorder is hypomania. Hypomania is a mild form of mania.

It has always been difficult for me to make the distinction between my natural energetic personality and a hypomanic episode. I have learned that there are 3 signs that signify when I am entering into a hypomanic episode.

1. The Lack of Sleep
2. The Paranoia
3. The Unfiltered Attitude Goes from Cool to Me Needing a Muzzle

I describe each of these in the video so you can understand what hypomania feels like to me.

How do you know when you are entering into a hypomanic episode? Please leave your comments below.
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I'm Hannah. I Have Bipolar 2 Playlist:


What is the Difference Between Mania and Hypomania? |
Diagnostic Criteria for Hypomanic Episode Bipolar Disorder |
Juliet: What Hypomania, Mania and Mixed State Feels Like to Me |