
Stereotypes of Bipolar Women

Stereotypes of women with bipolar disorder usually revolve around three things, sex, anger and our inability to be good wives and/or mothers.

With or without a mental health condition, the pressure on women to have the perfect body and perfect mind is overwhelming. When you are a woman with bipolar disorder, you face other negative stereotypes pertaining to your gender and your mental health condition. For example, recently I found a quote on the internet referring to bipolar women saying, “Bipolar: Good in bed but hard to live with.”

So I decided to talk about these negative stereotypes of bipolar women and how hurtful and troublesome they’ve been to me.

In the video, I also mention the blog: Bipolar Mom Life and how the author, Jennifer Marshall, gave me hope for my future in this area.

I also know that women with bipolar disorder are not the only ones who have to deal with stereotypes. Men with bipolar disorder also face severe stereotypes that affect their lives in many ways. If you want to share some of the stereotypes you face, as a man or woman living with bipolar 1 or 2 disorder, comment below or send in a short video to I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Hannah posts a new video every Monday morning on the HealthyPlace YouTube channel. You can help spread awareness and understanding by sharing this video or playlist. And if you find the video helpful, I hope you'll give it a thumbs up.

I'm Hannah. I Have Bipolar 2 Playlist:


Living with a Mental Illness: Tired of Stereotypes and Stigma |
Mental Illness, Stereotypes And Stigma |
Stigma and Discrimination: The Effect of Stigma |