Robert Burney is a codependence counselor, grief therapist, Spiritual teacher, and the author of a Joyously inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality -
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
He has pioneered innovative, powerful, life-changing tools and techniques for emotional healing & Spiritual integration. On the Joy to You & Me web site he shares his writings on Spirituality, codependence/codependency, emotional healing, personal empowerment, Twelve Step Recovery, Metaphysical Truth, dysfunctional relationships, the New Age, alcoholism, inner child healing, grief processing, emotional incest, The Human Condition, soul mates, Karma, molecular biology, fear of intimacy, cultural dysfunction, Positive Affirmations and more. He shares quotes and long excerpts of his book, includes columns & articles he has written, and presents material from his next two books. (Joy2MeU Sitemap)
"Codependence deals with the core issues of the human dilemma. Codependence has grown out of the cause from which all symptoms arise. That cause is Spiritual dis-ease: not being at ease, at one with Spiritual Self."
"We are not sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn Spirituality. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience."
The following are Joy2MeU recommended links.
There is a ton of information out there, and some sites have links to hundreds of other sites. I am going to try to keep this list fairly short but will add any quality sites as I become aware of them. I have not read everything on these sites so do not necessarily endorse everything - I recommend them because what I have seen has value.
(All of the links on this list open in a new browser window - so that you can explore and when you collapse the window you will be back at this page.)
continue story below
New Links: *10-3-99*
Co-Dependents Anonymous - The official web site of CoDA. Includes a search for local meetings feature.
New Age Info is another huge resource resource supporting all areas of the New Age Community - including the Spiritual and Theosophical aspects of New Age, also Astrology, Psychic Sciences, Healing, Metaphysical Arts, Occult, Wicca, Magic, UFOs, and Myth.
The guide to urban legends has an interesting page with an up-to-date list of ALL the hoaxes, Urban Legends, and other digital lies.
New Award: *9-25-99*
Our newest award comes from a web site called Recovery with Richard which is a Recovery site focused on NA (Narcotics Anonymous) (Previous Awards are toward the bottom of the page - Looks like I will have to add an awards page pretty soon.)
Links to sites about Codependence, Inner Child Healing, Dysfunctional Dynamics, and Recovery sites with info on those areas:
Dr Irene'sGet With The Program Self-Help & Info Resource - Wonderful site with lots of great info - "Understand the workings of verbal abuse, abusive, addictive and codependent relationships and how to fix them. Bulletin Board, Email questions, and more!"
Codependence Refuge Site - Great site - lots of valuable information on Codependence!
I highly recommend The Mining Co.) - a directory, like Yahoo. Just check out their A - Z list of topics - it is mind blowing how much varied information is available.
There is a lot of good information about recovery - including codependence - at the Alcoholism section of the and the host Buddy T. is constantly adding new info and links.
The Healing Guide has added a page of Inner Child Net Links that has some really helpful information.
Recovery Online - Self-help recovery groups online and other recovery links. Very comprehensive list of links, including links to 44 different types of Twelve Step Anonymous groups - also to religious and secular groups as well as clubs, stores, treatment programs and periodicals.
Don't Fall Until You See the Whites of Their Lies - "An online autopsy of a dysfunctional family." Part of a large eclectic web site that contains lots of info on lots of topics. This part deals specifically with, and offers a lot of good info for, incest survivors.
Recovery Web - This website is devoted to personal recovery from addictions and trauma. Links, mental health resources and books for recovery. Recovery from addictions, trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, sexual abuse recovery, alcoholism, codependency, abusive relationships, chemical dependency and relationship recovery issues.
Co-Dependents Anonymous - The official web site of CoDA. Includes a search for local meetings feature.
Laura's "lee" - a beautiful, elaborate site with lots of great information (more info below.)
Links to sites about Healing and Spirituality:
Many Paths contains vast resources for personal and spiritual growth, and specializes in life changing events in people's lives with excerpts from the book, "Life and the Art of Change."
Self Improvement Online - A ton of resources for a multitude of self growth, self improvement topics.
Lisa's Place - Nice site with lots of good stuff including "Mom's Central Station" with thoughts, quotes, prayers and poems, and clubs and webrings for Mommies. Also Marriage, parenting, and children's Links.
New Age Info is another huge resource resource supporting all areas of the New Age Community - including the Spiritual and Theosophical aspects of New Age, also Astrology, Psychic Sciences, Healing, Metaphysical Arts, Occult, Wicca, Magic, UFOs, and Myth.
continue story below
Links to other Special Sites:
The Hunger Site- this site is actually helping to feed the hungry of the world. There is a button to click on that results in the sites sponsors donating food to international relief efforts. Anyone can visit this site once every day and contribute to fighting world hunger.
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APA Reference
Staff, H.
(2008, November 11). Links, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, February 12 from