
Getting the DID Support You Need Isn't Always Easy

May 19, 2020 Krystle Vermes

Getting the dissociative identity disorder (DID) support you need is challenging, to say the least. Living with DID, I hear a constant internal dialogue and must manage the wants and needs of all of my individual personalities, which can be downright exhausting. Needless to say, not everyone on the outside can see what’s happening on the inside, which can make it difficult for me to express how I’m feeling on a regular basis. How do you communicate your own needs to the ones you love to get the DID support you need?

Seeking DID Support from Loved Ones

While seeking DID support from loved ones isn't always easy, I’ve been lucky enough to have the same significant other for more than a dozen years, meaning my partner has come to learn my ins and outs on multiple levels. However, it wasn’t always this way. My partner was with me pre-diagnosis, meaning he had to learn to live with me at my symptomatic peak ("DID Signs and Symptoms").

I hear a lot from others living with DID about partners either not understanding the condition, or simply deciding not to coincide with it, which can be disheartening in itself. This is why I stress that you should be ready, above all else, before you share your DID diagnosis with others. In short, you should be confident in where you stand with your diagnosis, and willing to understand that not everyone will welcome you with open arms for sharing something close to your heart.

For this reason, I often recommend taking the same approach when it comes to friends and other family members. Take a step back, and ask yourself if you’re prepared to handle the wide array of reactions you may receive. Then, try to understand that everyone will accept this news differently and in their own time.

Finding the DID Support You Deserve

Getting the DID support you need can be difficult. Having this diagnosis undoubtedly complicates matters, but not to the extent that you can’t get the support you deserve.

Whether or not you choose to open up to your friends and family about your diagnosis, it’s important to remember that you are loved, wanted and needed, specifically by your internal system. Practicing self-care on a regular basis can put you in a better position and mindset to ask for and receive support for DID.

As always, do not underestimate the help and support you can receive from your local mental health community and mental health professionals in your area. If you already have a therapist, you hopefully have a safety net of support you can turn to, even while your friends and family adjust to the news of your DID.

Where do you turn for DID support? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Tags: did support

APA Reference
Vermes, K. (2020, May 19). Getting the DID Support You Need Isn't Always Easy, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Author: Krystle Vermes

Krystle Vermes is a Boston-based freelance writer and editor who is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of mental health. Connect with Krystle on LinkedIn and her website.

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