
The Importance of Downtime and How to Make It

HealthyPlace Mental Health Newsletter

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Downtime can help ease mental illness symptoms. Learn 3 tips on how to create downtime to enhance your wellbeing at HealthyPlace

The Importance of Downtime and How to Make It

Living on overdrive, speeding along without applying the brake, is a danger to our mental health. According to an article in Scientific American, our brain needs downtime, a chance to meander freely, slowly process our lives, create, and recharge; however, many of us are overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. Our stressful lives are consumed by work (paid or unpaid, away from home or in the home), an over-attachment to technology, and unrelenting stressors. A lack of downtime is detrimental to mental health and wellbeing. It contributes to

Try these tips for creating downtime:

  • Make it easy. Have a "play box" handy, full of things to de-stress: coloring books, cards, books, etc.
  • Give yourself permission. It can be hard to have downtime because we value our goals. Making tangible goals for having downtime will help you see the worth in taking breaks.
  • Schedule it into your day, and set an alarm to remind you that it's time to pamper your brain. Set an alarm to signal the end of downtime as well so you don't worry about making your break too long.

Downtime can ease mental illness symptoms and enhance wellbeing. Give yourself a break.

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Your Thoughts

Today's Question: How do you create downtime when you have so many things on your plate plus mental health challenges? We invite you to participate by sharing your thoughts, experiences, and knowledge on the HealthyPlace Facebook page and on the HealthyPlace Google+ page.

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Mental Health Quote

"This is one of the most frustrating things about having an anxiety disorder; knowing as you're freaking out that there's no reason to be freaked out. But lacking the ability to shut the emotion down.

Read more anxiety quotes.


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APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2017, February 22). The Importance of Downtime and How to Make It, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 18 from

Last Updated: May 8, 2017

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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