
BPD Videos

No one likes a disruption of his or her daily routine. But is it worth getting upset about? Becky Oberg, author of the More Than Borderline blog, discusses how to survive and thrive despite chaos.
Sometimes we may feel like therapy is impossible. But is the problem in our perception of the task at hand? More Than Borderline's Becky Oberg talks about how working in therapy can be like pushing a boulder.
Sometimes mental health professionals see a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and assume the person is faking his or her symptoms. This can lead to a number of negative reactions, ranging from discarding what the patient is saying to denial of medical care. More Than Borderline's Becky Oberg talks about this stigma and its consequences, as well as how to fight it.
They say that music can soothe the savage beast. In this video, More Than Borderline's Becky Oberg explores music's therapeutic benefits and plays an original song on her Native American flute.
What a CEO Scandal Can Teach Us About Setting Limits What can happen when no limits are set? More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, tells the story of an Indianapolis CEO's fall from grace and explains why setting limits now can save us trouble down the road. Watch.
Sometimes people have a less than compassionate attitude toward trauma survivors. They may deny the experience, downplay it, blame the victim, or show ignorance. More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, discusses these attitudes in this BPD video.
Not everyone feels warmth and joy during the holidays. More Than Borderline's Becky Oberg talks about how to handle stress and depression during the holiday season. \
Sometimes, certain situations can cause a "trigger", or a flare-up of symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). What can you do when you have to face a trigger?
Co-morbidity is a fancy way of saying "two or more co-occuring diagnoses." Many people with borderline personality disorder also have depression. In this video, More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, talks about depression symptoms and causes of depression.
Psychotropic medications are life-savers, but how can the pharmaceutical companies make a good thing even better?  More Than Borderline's, Becky Oberg, talks about possible improvements.