
How to Talk with Someone Who Has PTSD

July 31, 2017 Tia Hollowood

When someone who has PTSD opens up to you, it's not easy to know what to say or do. Here are some ways to react that will help you support someone with PTSD.

When someone who has posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) tells you about the illness, she also entrusts you with an important piece of her life. For most people, having PTSD is not something that pops up in casual conversation. Even for someone who has PTSD who is ready to talk about their experience fears the possible unsupportive response. I'm convinced that in most situations, people simply don't know how to react to PTSD disclosures, and are reluctant to ask. Here is what I'd like everyone to about talking with someone who has PTSD.

Common Mistakes When Talking with Someone Who Has PTSD

Let's imagine you just learned from someone she has PTSD. Perhaps you're uncomfortable with this new information. You may envision hearing details about their trauma that you don't want to know. This might completely change how you see the person confiding in you. You might even think that you should be embarrassed for the one with PTSD. I have encountered all of these responses. To be frank, they are all emotional responses that come from a lack of education and understanding about PTSD.

How to Support Someone Who Has PTSD When She Discloses

When someone decides to tell you about her PTSD, here are some ideas that will help you react in a supportive manner, address your concerns and learn more about how to maintain your relationship in light of this new information.

First of all, don't change the subject. Now is an opportunity to explain that you do not know much about PTSD and that you are not sure how to respond.

Ask how you can best support her considering this new information. Here are some good questions to ask:

It is also a good time to share any concerns regarding reactions you might be worried about experiencing. For example, if I am speaking with someone who has experienced the same type of trauma as I have, I let her know that I cannot discuss details of her experience as the details could trigger my PTSD.

With a little discussion and honesty, knowing that someone has PTSD quickly becomes just one more piece of who they are and lays the groundwork for building an even stronger relationship.

Is there something you've always wondered about PTSD or wanted other people to know? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

APA Reference
Hollowood, T. (2017, July 31). How to Talk with Someone Who Has PTSD, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 12 from

Author: Tia Hollowood

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Haley Mary
May, 16 2019 at 8:09 pm

I have ptsd from a bad experience on youtube when one of my subscribers hit on me in a comment in 2008 and then attempted to coerce me through a video. I'm abstinent and was also virgin shamed a lot. Later on this same subscriber pwned another youtuber using a video without the permission of another woman in 2009. The youtube atheist community lashed back and kicked the guy off the site. I get triggered if someone at a comedy or open mic night makes a lewd comment or lewd joke. I got asked to a movie by a guy who I liked last spring and their friend made a joke about my inexperience and it made me feel uncomfortable and triggered my symptoms of fear, I freeze, can't speak, then feel afraid. After open mic, this guy who I had liked I told him what was said made me feel uncomfortable, he told me not to take things so personally and drove me home and then took off before I could get inside the house. I don't live in the safest neighborhood. I haven't gone out with anyone since then and that was March of last year (2018). I find it really difficult to trust men.

August, 21 2017 at 7:57 am

Same happens to me every time.
I keep my PTSD in the closet. Only way to survive.

August, 10 2017 at 7:32 pm

Before my ex fiance and I began a serious relationship I sat him down and told him about my PTSD. After we became engaged he purposely did things that would trigger my PTSD like yelling at his children in our bedroom while I was asleep, slamming doors, constant abuse towards me and crazy making. It took a serious accident for me to wake up and get me out of there but I finally got out of there. Thank you Lord Jesus!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

August, 16 2017 at 3:39 pm

As I'm sorry that you placed your trust in someone who then abused it. That's simply unacceptable behavior on his part.

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