
A Mother's Effect On Her Daughter's Self-Esteem

March 4, 2013 Guest Author

Mothers need to be deeply aware of what they convey to their daughters through the attitudes they model about their own relationship to their bodies, their self-talk about how they look or "ought to" look, and how secure they seem in their choices. When a mother is battling low self-esteem or not even battling because she's unaware it's a root cause of frustration within her life, her daughter is likely to carry this burden as well. If a woman has spent her lifetime locked in a cycle of dieting, hatred of her own body and carries a sense of inadequacy, her daughter will understand that that is an acceptable way to consider oneself, although it's not. This will inhibit a girl from feeling positively about her own body and she may even come to believe that negative talk is a way to bond with her mother or that being positive about herself is a form of unacceptable bragging.

Modeling Positive Self-Esteem for Your Daughter

Mothers who model body image problems and negative self-talk put their daughter's self-esteem at riskSo what's a Mom do? Assess your own issues. Are there lingering body image problems or even eating disorders that have haunted you since your teenage years? Try to address these subjects, potentially with a counselor or a support group. Use the opportunity to give your daughter a healthier outlook as a chance to heal your own past hurts. Yet, beware of trying to re-live your high school years through your daughter.

Put an emphasis on being healthy rather than being a certain body weight. Go for walks together or a run or a hike or even a yoga class, whatever you both like. But don't use an emphasis on health as a ploy to get your daughter to lose weight. Chances are being in an environment outside your home will have the added bonus of opening up a new channel for talk. Discuss food with a focus on nutrition and enjoyment, rather than calories. Talk about the aspects of yourself that you feel good about; a job you know you're good at, the way a scarf sets off the color of your eyes, or a sense of competence at fixing something at home or making a special dish.

Remember that your daughter's ideas about her body or her fashion sense might not match your own. Avoid dressing in a similar style to your daughter. Chances are what might seem like fun to you will be difficult for her. Let her have her own space and style.

Don't get caught up in a sense of competition with other mothers about how either you or they look or the appearance of your daughters. Dispel talk that disparages other girls' looks if you hear your daughter engaging in this and don't do it yourself. Think about how comparisons are hurtful, even if whoever is being talked about never hears a word. This kind of conversation leads girls to wonder who might be talking about them and fosters insecurity.

This quote from Oprah sums it all up:

"You can't fix the girls and the self-esteem until you fix the mothers. As Naomi Wolf said so beautifully, 'A mother who radiates self-love and acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem.'"

Consider where you're starting from and consider where you want your daughter to end up.

Dr. Carol Langlois is a former University Associate Provost and Dean, trained therapist, researcher, and author. Presently, she is working on a book called Girrl Up! which is a compilation of interviews with teen girls on the topic of self-esteem.

Dr. Langlois hosts a blog, Self-Esteem Coach for Teens and Young Women, to offer practical advise and guidance on self-esteem issues as a tool for parents and teens. You can also find Dr. Langlois on Twitter tweeting articles, tips and blog posts related to self-esteem.

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APA Reference
Author, G. (2013, March 4). A Mother's Effect On Her Daughter's Self-Esteem, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Author: Guest Author

February, 4 2016 at 12:31 am

My mother was molested by a stranger in a school yard when she was 7 then at 18 married a man who was gay. He only married her because it was considered unlawful to be gay at the time. When the marriage didn't work out she divorced him and then married his brother who molested me. When I told my mom what had happened she didn't believe me. I expected support. Instead she accused me of being gay because I liked my gay father better. At least he didn't molest me. Both fathers were hyper critical of my looks and my mother could be physically abusive at times
I was adopted at birth. When I went looking for my biological mom I found out she had suffered with mental illness for a number of years before she took her own life with a gun. I'll never forget my adoptive mother's words when I found out. She said it's a good thing my biological mother was dead because there would've been too much competition. It's a good thing she's dead??? Really??? What a selfish, horrible thing to say about a human being
Obviously my parents have had some serious issues in their own lives and really done a number on me. I'm not gay. I'm just fearful of being intimate with anyone. I'm also bipolar and suffer with terrible self esteem. Shortly after I was diagnosed bipolar 1 with psychotic features my adoptive mother abandoned me like a piece of garbage. Is it any wonder why I have such low self esteem???

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

March, 27 2017 at 1:12 am

I just wanted to say that your are a beautiful person. And I'm sorry you've gone through such difficult situations, you didn't deserve it. You should turn your pain and experiences into a book or go to school to become a social worker or counselor/therapist of some sort where you can help other girls who might be going through what you have. You could be a great mentor. People could truly benefit from you and your story. Take care. ❤️

July, 30 2015 at 10:52 am

wow, im only just realizing why ive been single for 35 years, and had terrible self esteem problems, unemployment and drug addiction were obviously soon to follow. Amazing I had a single divorced mother with bi polar and ptsd, needless to say ive had a terrible life, and of course needles to say I have unbearable loanliness that is killing me and will kill me fairly soon ! all this time I though I just had a low self esteem ! wow !

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 14 2017 at 7:14 am

eceryone is wonderful in their own way. we do not need anyone to describe us. everyone is unique because if i am pagan someone is christian that sets two apart. we dont have to strive to be like others. i am a pagan and everyone else is christian in my grade 8 class. they kept laughing at me making me wonder and i realised in the end it made me unique being unique can reach to a limit though you dont have to strive until you become like any other normal person. i have had friends who lowered my self esteem by saying im fatter, im crazy, im ugly but it doesnt matter what people say to you its what you say to yourslelf.

Sarah Lund
March, 17 2013 at 9:18 am

Contrary to belief, I've never suffered from low self-esteem. Though, maybe you have to not like yourself, for it to happen. It tends to happen to people who aren't happy with their appearance, or who are trying to impress others. I'm not happy with people who think that just because you're scared of something, it's because you're suffering from low self-confidence. Why should I pretend like I am? Because I'm a woman? It's pathetic to assume anything about anyone until you have proof. Self Esteem is way different to having a phobia of something. I do admit to feeling less of being my happy self though, when I split up with a man. The only way to reverse it, and put it back where it belongs is to date again. My mother taught me that relationships are important. That keeping a guy around is vital, otherwise I will suffer. Although having friends and family is good, from witnessing my mum being in all her relationships, that taught me I must always put sex first and the man first. And that anyone else, even your own children, come second.

March, 9 2013 at 4:38 am

I liked it when you said you have to heal the mother first! Wow!. I came up with Bipolar, and no one listened to me. Now I was already raised as was my two sisters in a 'sheltered home.' When I sought help and self diagnosed Bipolar which I had for 12 years undiagnosed, I was diagnosed with this. I got it from Mom and also Grandma confirmed from another family member! I have been ostracized from the family for being Bipolar yet Mom gave it to me in a sense! It has been a struggle to build my own self-esteem up. I struggle but I WILL prevail!

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