
Eating Disorders: Compulsive Exercise in Teens

Rachel and her cheerleading team practice three to five times a week. Rachel feels a lot of pressure to keep her weight down - as head cheerleader, she wants to set an example to the team. So she adds extra daily workouts to her regimen. But lately, Rachel has been feeling worn out, and she has a hard time just making it through a regular team practice.

You may think you can't get too much of a good thing, but in the case of exercise, a healthy activity can sometimes turn into an unhealthy compulsion. Rachel is a good example of how an overemphasis on physical fitness or weight control can become unhealthy. Read on to find out more about compulsive exercise and its effects.

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Exercise, a healthy activity, can sometimes turn into an unhealthy compulsion. Read how weight control can become unhealthy.We all know the benefits of exercise, and it seems that everywhere we turn, we hear that we should exercise more. The right kind of exercise does many great things for your body and soul: It can strengthen your heart and muscles, lower your body fat, and reduce your risk of many diseases.

Many teens who play sports have higher self-esteem than their less active pals, and exercise can even help keep the blues at bay because of the endorphin rush it can cause. Endorphins are naturally produced chemicals that affect your sensory perception. These chemicals are released in your body during and after a workout and they go a long way in helping to control stress.

So how can something with so many benefits have the potential to cause harm?

Lots of people start working out because it's fun or it makes them feel good, but exercise can become a compulsive habit when it is done for the wrong reasons.

Some people start exercising with weight loss as their main goal. Although exercise is part of a safe and healthy way to control weight, many people may have unrealistic expectations. We are bombarded with images from advertisers of the ideal body: young and thin for women; strong and muscular for men. To try to reach these unreasonable ideals, people may turn to diets, and for some, this may develop into eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. And some people who grow frustrated with the results from diets alone may overexercise to speed up weight loss.

Some athletes may also think that repeated exercise will help them to win an important game. Like Rachel, they add extra workouts to those regularly scheduled with their teams without consulting their coaches or trainers. The pressure to succeed may also lead these people to exercise more than is healthy. The body needs activity but it also needs rest. Overexercising can lead to injuries like fractures and muscle strains.

Are You a Healthy Exerciser?

Fitness experts recommend that teens do some kind of physical activity every day. In addition, you should take part in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise (that's the heart pumping, breathing hard, sweaty kind of workout) 3 days a week. Most young people exercise much less than this recommended amount (which can be a problem for different reasons), but some - such as athletes - do much more. Working out more than once a day is often a warning sign of compulsive exercise.

How do you know if your fitness routine is out of control? The main difference between a healthy exercise habit and people who are exercise dependent is how activity fits into your life. If you put workouts ahead of friends, homework, and other responsibilities, you may be developing a dependence on exercise.

If you are concerned about your own exercise habits or a friend's, ask yourself the following questions. Do you:

  • force yourself to exercise, even if you don't feel well?
  • prefer to exercise rather than being with friends?
  • become very upset if you miss a workout?
  • base the amount you exercise on how much you eat?
  • have trouble sitting still because you think you're not burning calories?
  • worry that you'll gain weight if you skip exercising for a day?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you or your friend may have a problem. What should you do?

How to Get Help

The first thing you should do if you suspect that you are a compulsive exerciser is get help. Talk to your parents, doctor, a teacher or counselor, a coach, or another trusted adult. Compulsive exercise, especially when it is combined with an eating disorder, can cause serious and permanent health problems, and in extreme cases, death.

Because compulsive exercise is closely related to eating disorders, help can be found at community agencies specifically set up to deal with anorexia, bulimia, and other eating problems. Your school's health or physical education department may also have support programs and nutrition advice available. Ask your teacher, coach, or counselor to recommend local organizations that may be able to help.

You should also schedule a checkup with a doctor. Because our bodies go through so many important developments during the teen years, guys and girls who have compulsive exercise problems need to see a doctor to make sure they are developing normally. This is especially true if the person also has an eating disorder. Female athlete triad, a condition that affects girls who overexercise and restrict their eating because of their sports, can cause a girl to stop having her period. Medical help is necessary to resolve the physical problems associated with overexercising before they cause long-term damage to the body.

Make a Positive Change

Changes in activity of any kind - eating or sleeping, for example - can often be a sign that something else is wrong in your life. Girls and guys who exercise compulsively may have a distorted body image and low self-esteem. They may see themselves as overweight or out of shape even when they are actually a healthy weight.

Compulsive exercisers need to get professional help for the reasons described above. But there are also some things that you can do to help you take charge again:

  • Work on changing your daily self-talk. When you look in the mirror, make sure you find at least one good thing to say about yourself. Be more aware of your positive attributes.
  • When you exercise, focus on the positive, mood-boosting qualities.
  • Give yourself a break. Listen to your body and give yourself a day of rest after a hard workout.
  • Control your weight by exercising and eating moderate portions of healthy foods. Don't try to change your body into an unrealistically lean shape. Talk with your doctor, dietitian, coach, athletic trainer, or other adult about what a healthy body weight is for you and how to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

Exercise and sports are supposed to be fun and keep you healthy. Working out in moderation will do both.

next: Eating Disorders: 10 Tips for Dads of Daughters
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APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 30). Eating Disorders: Compulsive Exercise in Teens, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 3 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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