
About Adrian Newington

Adrian Newington

"Still My Mind" is the name of the title track of my Debut Album released in mid 2005, and represents the motivation in my personal philosophy and the purpose of my music ministry. It is my quest for personal peace.

At this Web Site, I offer material to anyone seeking the inspiration necessary to help bring about change in the quality of life. I attempt to bring this to you through my music, and a sharing of the personal understandings I have obtained through life.

If you're searching for some answers, or trying to bring about real change in your life, I hope that what I have presented via these pages and my music will benefit you. I, myself, have found the process of self-inquiry and self-discovery profoundly liberating and I have written a variety of texts and make them freely available to anyone wishing to read them. I hope that your thinking and your life may be uplifted through the sharing of these works.

ABOUT MYSELF: I am currently employed in a computer and network support role. I have been playing guitar since 1966, and my main musical influences are...


Specific Influence


Harmonies, Rhythms & Lyrical Poetry.

Don McLean

Lyrical Poetry & Finger Picking style of guitar playing.

Cat Stevens

My first experience of spiritual content in a modern contemporary format.



Crosby Still Nash & Young

Harmonies, Lyrical Poetry.

I am a published songwriter of spiritual music with 5 songs being chosen for inclusion in an album with the incredible vocal talents of Fr Paul Gurr. (Carmalite). "Still Waters" - Spectrum Publications

I performed with a collection of musicians & singers at the Beatification ceremony of Sister Mary McKillop, held at the Randwick Racecourse in Sydney Australia. 1997.

I served as an enlisted member of the Royal Australian Air Force for 6 years.

I have been part of a team that taught yoga and meditation in a State Prison System, and have offered my experience to facilitate meditation classes at a local outreach centre. I am a practicioner of Reiki at level 2. I have attained a Certificate in Disability Support, and worked in that arena for about 2 and a half years.

the Long Machiato

My Favourite Drink
mmmmm.... the Long Machiato


next: I Am the Heart Introduction

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 11). About Adrian Newington, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Last Updated: November 22, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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