
Are You Verbally Abused When You're Sick?

February 6, 2018 Emma-Marie Smith

Being verbally abused when we're sick makes everything worse. Why does verbal abuse happen even when we're ill? How can you deal with being verbally abused?

Have you been verbally abused when you were sick? It's horrible. We have enough to deal with when we're sick without being verbally abused when we're at our most vulnerable. Feeling unwell and physically weak makes us sitting targets for gaslighting, emotional abuse and manipulation because we're less likely to put up a fight. But is this part of the attraction to perpetrators or are we just more susceptible to abuse when our defenses are down? Let's examine what we know about verbally abusive personality types and why they target us when we're sick.

You Can Verbally Abuse Yourself When You're Sick

I've been unwell a lot lately. I have a condition called hypothyroidism which compromises my immune system, so I'm used to getting sick and having to slow down and recover. Over these past few weeks of dealing with chronic low-grade infections, I've sat with an underlying feeling of guilt and shame. I've verbally abused and attacked myself from the inside out for having this condition, for not being able to cure my illness on my own. I've repeatedly chastised my body for being useless, even though I know that's not the case.

My family was always compassionate toward me when I was sick as a child, so this voice in my head isn't coming from them -- it's an echo of the people who've treated me badly in the past when I was unwell, most notably my verbally and psychologically abusive ex-boyfriend.

And it's no wonder I feel guilty for being sick. I lived with a man who called me a "pathetic c**t" and forced me out of bed when I had a migraine. The same man threatened to call his ex-girlfriend one night unless I made a miraculous recovery from the flu. He blamed me, shamed me and name-called me when I was ill, but he wasn't the only one. I once had a manager who took my one bout of illness in a year of employment so personally that she ignored me for days after I returned to the office, only communicating through snide comments and accusations (Your Job Affects Your Self-Esteem: Make It a Positive Effect).

This is strange behavior in anyone's book, but perhaps there is a simple explanation. First, let's look at what being verbally abused when you're sick looks like and how to spot the signs.

How to Know If You're Verbally Abused When You're Sick

Examples of being verbally abused when you're sick include, but are not limited to:

  • Minimizing: An abusive person will attempt to reduce your suffering and make it seem like you're overreacting. Example: "You're not ill, you're just attention-seeking."
  • Name-calling: Examples include being called "pathetic," "weak" or any other derogatory term.
  • Gaslighting: In other words, making you out to be crazy: "You're not ill, it's all in your head. You're just imagining it. You need to get help."
  • Blaming: Such as, "It's your fault you're sick, you need to look after yourself better."
  • Denying: Either denying you're unwell or refusing to look after you in simple ways, like picking up your medication or bringing you a drink.
  • Withholding: Punishing you by refusing to be affectionate or loving.

Why Are Verbal Abusers So Cruel When We're Sick?

Let's examine what we already know about abusers, particularly narcissistic abusers. We know they like to feel superior -- it supports their vision of themselves as being better than everyone else -- so why do they get so angry when we’re sick? Why does our vulnerability provoke them to abuse us, when surely they should delight in our supposed weakness, our inability to fight back?

One possible explanation is that abusers are afraid of vulnerability. They don’t know how to be vulnerable themselves, so caring for someone who is struggling physically (especially someone they can normally manipulate into doing what they want) is far from ideal. They may not even possess the necessary tools to deal with illness compassionately. Instead, they view any kind of affliction as a weakness.

Another explanation is that abusers don’t actually like it when we’re vulnerable. According to an article by the UK Evening Standard, perpetrators of psychological abuse tend to target strong characters who will be "more of a challenge” to break. They’re attracted to the shiny, confident image we present to the world, but they must also prove they are superior by belittling us.

The truly confusing part is that abusers aren't always abusive -- abusers can be nice guys, even caring, too. I can recall times in my relationship where my boyfriend bought me a get-well-soon card and regular bowls of soup when I had a cold. I can remember other occasions where he ripped the bed covers from me and refused to fill a prescription I badly needed.

What to Do If You're Verbally Abused When You're Sick

Here's how to protect yourself against verbal abuse when you're not feeling your best:

  • Prioritize your physical health: You need to rest when you're not well so your body can recover. Trust what you feel, and don't let anyone else tell you about what you need.
  • Be sympathetic to yourself. Abusers struggle with empathy, which is why you won't get much sympathy from them when you're sick. Be kind to yourself instead.
  • Get the help you need: Call a friend who can pick up your prescription or ask a relative to stay for a few days. In the absence of love and compassion from your partner, do whatever you have to do to care for yourself and don't hesitate to call the police if an abuser turns physical.

Source: Verbal Abusers Don't Go for the Weak -- They Choose Strong People Because They Like a Challange, by Lindsay Dodgson, August 2017, UK Evening Standard.

APA Reference
Smith, E. (2018, February 6). Are You Verbally Abused When You're Sick?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 16 from

Author: Emma-Marie Smith

Find Emma-Marie on, FacebookTwitter, and Google +.

September, 7 2024 at 8:17 am

I was sicker than I'd ever been. Debating on going into the hospital. I wanted to find him. He was somewhere in the house, but I was to sick to look for him. I wanted a simple hug. I was relieved when I saw him passing me . I was about to ask him for that hug. I'd been sick for way to long. Six weeks. I just wasn't healing. He looked at me and said, " your such a piece of sh*t. Can't you even heal?" The next time I'm sick I may not pull through.

July, 1 2023 at 7:39 pm

I thought it was important to comment on the following :
"He always says I am the best in what I do, that I can do a lot of things and I shouldn't be afraid. He supports me a lot..."
Unfortunately, someone who is being emotionally abusive may say things like this to you and may even get you to believe they are really supportive of you. They create an altered reality.
For example, you may have achieved a lot, but they will manipulate you into thinking you never reached your potential, and that you can do anything if you tried etc.
I have heard this happening to many people which can make it very confusing to identify the abuse. However, you may be feeling a discomfort about the situation, your relationship etc.
I recommend watching Dr Ramani's videos on narcissistic abuse on YouTube.

February, 25 2023 at 10:17 pm

My son abuses me and his father and stepmother, I have stage 1V cancer and I am very thin, I have little energy. At times. I cut all communication off with my the kids father, I have a 17 year old still under court orders, the emails I get from them is all of the above and more, including photos of themselves with my daughter, out having fun. The step mother even calls herself mother!! . It's bizzare behabiour, the photos and calling herself mother when their contact time is pretty minimal in comparison. They are soon to move to Singapore. My daughter is studying for year 12, has a part time job, she will go over and above to help me, my son, the opposite. He will shout, yell, put me down, tell me I am not looking after myself, make life difficult, turn up with food for himself and nothing for me. His behaviour is so confusing because I was a very hands on mother.

February, 28 2023 at 4:31 pm

Hello Kaz,
I am Cheryl Wozny, author of the Verbal Abuse in Relationships blog at HealthyPlace. Thank you for sharing your account with verbal abuse and children. It takes a lot of courage to try and change a negative situation.
Youngsters often don't know how to act and look to adults for guidance. I encourage you to visit our Resources page here:… for some ways to find assistance in your region. Even talking to someone can help you process your feelings.
I wish you and your entire family health and wellness.

March, 14 2023 at 7:00 pm

First off I'm very sorry for tiyr diagnosis but sadly children develop these coping mechanisms and personality traits from... yep.... their parents. So I'm going to so something bold that you won't like. Apologize to him. Apologize for allowing him to be subjected to abuse as a child and that he never deserved that, Apologize that you didn't step in and be more proactive in protecting him. He's lashing out at you because he doesn't feel like he was safe in that family dynamic in one way or another. Like it or not this absolutely falls on you, the father and whatever other adults are involved. You all needed to raise him in a loving and stable environment and that didn't happen all around so take accountability and apologize for not doing more to protect him as a mother. Then watch how your relationship develops.

Lisa McIntosh
December, 30 2022 at 3:38 am

I get accused of not wanting to work when I was in so much discomfort due to the beginnings of a sore throat and cold and my osteoarthritis pain flaring up... I fulfilled 5 hrsof my 7.5 hr shift (in aged care).... I was yelled at and screamed at accusing me of not wanting to work and she then
Said that she is canceling New Years Eve (the next day) then drove drunk to “go out” to get dinner. It’s not the first time..... I’m so depressed by her behaviour and feel like she doesn’t care about me

November, 20 2022 at 11:41 am

Hi ..I have conns disease was a very late diagnosis so suffering long term effects of heart and muscle problems.Feel ill most days. However my husband provided no support, is verbally abusive and goes out for hours doing his own thing.If I ask him nicely to help he screams and throws a tantrum.
I encouraged my daughter to move out to escape this toxic household even though I miss her.

Lynn Bubbz
August, 6 2022 at 2:29 pm

I've recently been diagnosed with Stills Disease and because this disease is rare the symptoms are indifferent. I have days where I'm aching and feel so awful. Those are the days I need my husband's love but I never get it. Instead I get yelled at or feel like I'm unworthy to be shown love to especially when I'm ill. He makes me feel so unwanted. I cry alone in the shower I even hide my sadness.

August, 22 2022 at 12:27 pm

Hello Lynn, I am Cheryl Wozny, the current author of the Verbal Abuse in Relationships blog at HealthyPlace. I am so sorry to hear about your condition and your challenges with your husband. I encourage you to reach out to find the support you need by going to our Resources page…. There are many organizations on there that can help you or direct you to someone local in your area. Thank you for reaching out and taking the first step in finding peace and happiness for your life.

May, 9 2020 at 9:42 am

You have described to the tee what my husband was like when I fell ill with COVID-19. He did all the above points. I tried to follow your advice and got better regardless. Now I’ve relapsed and he has immediately dismissed that I have COVID-19 and told me it could be anything else because I have “bad health”. He is a total ____.

September, 5 2022 at 9:14 am

Same! My husband said”it’s not Covid. “ and of course he gets it from me and gets mad at me because he can’t sleep. He always gets mad at me when I get sick. I told him I couldn’t hear as I had a double ear infection and I ask him to repeat what he said, he yelled to the top of his lungs that he can’t hardly breathe! Why ya gotta be mad at me??? I’ve been sick for five days and no help or soup made or brought to me. He never takes care of me when I’m sick. And he’s a big baby when he gets sick. And gets mad as fire at me. I’ve learned to just take care of myself because I will get no sympathy from him at all. He was denying I was sick when I told him I had a sore throat. “Well it’s prolly allergies.” I’m over this! Like what happen to in sickness and health vows??? Not getting it from him!!! I give up on asking for help. Anyone with any suggestions please?!! I’m tired of no help. Yep total _ss! Agree!

September, 12 2022 at 4:39 pm

Hello, I am Cheryl Wozny, current author of the Verbal Abuse in Relationships blog. Thank you for reaching out about your situation and sharing your circumstances. Although everyone's situation is unique, there can be common elements that many people can identify with, making it frustrating to find support. I encourage you to explore our resources page… for helpful hotline numbers and referral resources for possible support in your area.

February, 15 2018 at 12:50 pm

Not getting emotional... why? He/She has to know it is not good what is happening.
My husband makes me cry very often... I used to blame it to my period, I thought I was too sensitive.
But sometimes it is too much. I am not sure if he is abusing ....
He treats me like I can't think, like I can't make a wise decision by myself.
He always calls me clumsy and he says it even in a good way, he says "Oh baby, you know you are clumsy and that is a truth, you have to accept it" ... and I really do think I am clumsy now.
I have always had low self esteem and I have to accept he has helped me to fight my fears. He always says I am the best in what I do, that I can do a lot of things and I shouldn't be afraid. He supports me a lot...
And that's why I don't know if he's abusing, because at the same time he talks to me like I'm an idiot.
I don't know....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

February, 16 2018 at 2:15 am

Hi Raga,
Thanks so much for your comment. It is common for someone to make us feel like we're being "too sensitive" but is this really the case? There is always a reason why we feel upset, and even if it is down to hormones, that still deserves recognition and respect.
Your first port of call is to talk to your husband about how you feel. You know that he's acting in a way that's making you unhappy, and it's great that you can realize that, but you need to make him understand it too. Even though relationships are complicated, I still believe we have a duty to our partners to make them feel respected and important. How would he respond if you told him how he made you feel? Choose an appropriate time where you can sit down and make yourself heard.
I'm glad your husband is supportive. It might just be that he's repeating learned behavior from his own childhood -- did a parent make him feel small, or does he use criticism as a defense to avoid getting close to you? There are many possible explanations for his actions, but they don't excuse them. I would hope that perhaps he doesn't realize he's making you feel like an idiot, and that hopefully you can work something out together. Just don't dismiss your feelings -- they are perfectly valid.

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