
Beyond Stigma: When Stars Share Mental Health Struggles

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Celebrities sharing their mental health struggles can help to fight stigma. Find out more about celebrities sharing their mental health struggles at HealthyPlace

Beyond Stigma: When Stars Share Mental Health Struggles

In November, NBA star Kevin Love had a panic attack on the court and left the game. He kept it private because he was afraid of people finding out.

But then in February, NBA player DeMar DeRozan spoke up about his struggle with depression. In March, fellow NBA athlete Kelly Oubre talked openly about his own depression and anxiety. Love decided to share his story, too. Days later, prominent Hollywood and music figure, Carson Daly, talked on the Today Show about his generalized anxiety and panic.

Part of what’s good about celebrities sharing mental health struggles is that it helps do away with stigma. There are benefits beyond stigma, though. DeMar, Oubre, Love, and Daly are

  • Teaching people what anxiety, panic, and depression feel like
  • Showing the way to look into each other’s minds and hearts
  • Indicating it’s possible to experience mental health struggles and have success in life
  • Sharing what works for them and helping make it okay for everyone to find strategies that work and to do what works without feeling shame

Kevin Love has been seeing a therapist and is no longer mum about it. Kelly Oubre says, “I just go into a quiet place and breath, man. Just being mindful is the only way I know how to get through any anxiety, any depression, or anything like that. Carson Daly works with a CBT therapist and finds muscle tension and relaxation helpful.

Kevin Love’s letter about his mental health is inspiring. It reduces stigma, and it does so much more. Says Love,

“I’m trying to be truthful with myself. I’m trying to be good to the people in my life. I’m trying to face the uncomfortable stuff in life while also enjoying, and being grateful for, the good stuff. I’m trying to embrace it all, the good the bad, and the ugly.”

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Mental Health Quote

"Crying is how your heart speaks, when your lips can't explain the pain you feel."

Read more depression quotes.


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APA Reference
Peterson, T. (2018, March 19). Beyond Stigma: When Stars Share Mental Health Struggles, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Last Updated: May 15, 2020

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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