
Create Blissful Living in Your Kitchen in 5 Easy Steps

May 25, 2015 Joni Reisinger MS, NCC

Creating bliss in your kitchen is simple with these five easy steps. Before I discovered blissful living in my life, I would sometimes find myself standing in the middle of my kitchen overwhelmed by it's disorganization. The cupboards were filled with outdated food packages, drawers were piled high with random items, and cabinets that were too high to reach were filled with dishes from years gone by. But with these 5 steps, I created bliss in the kitchen.

Create Bliss and Peace in Your Kitchen and Your Home

As I began to bring blissful living into my life, my kitchen came to mind as a room that could easily be transformed to create a space of peace and harmony. After all, it's a room that I find myself spending a lot of time in on a daily basis. It’s a room for creativity in life’s journey.

Find Gratitude in a Blissful Kitchen With These Five Easy Steps

Creating blissful living in your kitchen in five easy steps. The kitchen can be a room of peace and blissful living - find out how.

My kitchen was ripe for a blissful living makeover. By following these five easy steps, I created a blissful living space in one of my favorite rooms, the kitchen.

  1. Take out the clutter for good. Clutter can be overwhelming and a source of tension. To remove this stress, I devoted a weekend morning to my kitchen. I designated three piles; one for items to keep, one for items to donate, and one for items to toss. I kept only items I use on a monthly basis. I donated anything of value and I tossed the rest.
  2. Map out a daily plan, one day at a time. Each night before I go to bed I write down my next day’s plan using my kitchen as a focal point. I do this by thinking about my next day's morning, noon, and night activities. This keeps me organized and allows me to use my time wisely.
  3. Keep it clean. A healthy habit I consistently follow is to put every item away as soon as I am done with it. When I see a clean surface and abundant space in my kitchen I gain a higher level of thankfulness for the things I have.
  4. Determine what brings you peace and serenity. At the end of the day, I find a warm cup of tea to be most soothing. Choosing a lavender flavor that is naturally caffeine-free provides an optimal, calming effect. I use my cast iron teapot as it gradually heats the tea flavor into the water. This process brings me peace and tranquility at the end of my day.
  5. Give gratitude for the ease you create in your kitchen space. Giving thanks for my blissful kitchen space helps give me perspective on life and keeps me feeling happy. My family and friends feel good too when they visit my kitchen.

Find Joni on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and her personal blog.

APA Reference
Reisinger, J. (2015, May 25). Create Blissful Living in Your Kitchen in 5 Easy Steps, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 7 from

Author: Joni Reisinger MS, NCC

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