
Podcasts Help to Enhance My Mental Wellness

April 28, 2022 Juliet Jack

I am grateful for the podcasts that help me maintain mental wellness, but first, this background story: In April of last year, while the world was just beginning to open back up, I was experiencing the bleak fallout from a traumatic breakup. Much like when I was at my lowest low, battling depression later that summer, I was constantly searching for ways to forget. One of my favorite ways to accomplish this was going for long, and I mean long, walks. I would put on my shoes, walk down my apartment stairs and just walk. Sometimes three miles, sometimes five, and nine or 10 on the bad days.

You may be saying, "You can have way worse habits than going on a 10-mile walk," and that assumption would be absolutely correct. However, the problem with my impromptu and excessive walks was that I was not facing my feelings; I was running--or rather walking--away from them.

To be fair, it is only in retrospect that I was able to come to that conclusion. During my breakup, I was just trying to get by. It was what I needed at the time, and I cannot and will not shame myself for that. However, approaching the situation from a new, healed perspective has allowed me to see ways I could have better nourished my mind and soul during that time. One of those ways--and my current obsession--is listening to podcasts.

Incorporating Podcasts in My Routine Help My Mental Wellness

Now when I go on long walks, I make sure to have my favorite mental wellness podcast cued up. Not only am I reaping the physical rewards of walking and moving, but I am also exercising my mind at the same time. Listening to content that embraces the nuances of mental health and dismantles the associated stigma has honestly been life-changing. I have noticed a profound change in my mood after 10, even five, minutes of practicing this routine.

Tips for Finding Mental Wellness Podcasts that Speak to You

It can be difficult to find a podcast that both retains your attention and is educational. It took listening to a few different content creators to find the people whose messaging spoke to me personally. From experience, I can share a few tips when it comes to finding a desirable podcast:

  • Search for someone with similar core values.
  • Pay attention to messaging and tone of delivery.
  • Ask: Is this content I want to engage with daily?
  • Be patient.
  • Be open to people with different backgrounds and/or genders.

Podcasts Are a Great Addition to an Existing Wellness Routine

Podcasts, paired with other mental wellness practices such as meditation and, of course, reading blogs, have tremendously helped me in my mental health journey. I feel less alone in my struggle when I identify with others spreading the same message as I do regarding the enduring stigma tied to mental health. It can be exhausting fighting this battle on our own, so I urge you to find a community that shares your beliefs.

If you are still not convinced, arguably the best part of listening to podcasts is that it allows for multitasking. So the next time you drive to work, make dinner, or fold laundry, throw on a podcast; you may just like the result.

APA Reference
Jack, J. (2022, April 28). Podcasts Help to Enhance My Mental Wellness, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 4 from

Author: Juliet Jack

Connect with Juliet Jack on Instagram and Facebook.

Lizanne Corbit
April, 29 2022 at 3:25 pm

Excellent advice! Very happy for your healing as well. Thank you for sharing, Juliet.

May, 6 2022 at 3:25 pm

Hi Lizanne, I am so glad you found this piece helpful and I am very appreciative of your feedback. Thank you so much for the kind words!

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