
Five Simple Ways to Declutter Your Home

April 13, 2014 Sydney Savion, D.Ed.

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.~William Morris

Do you feel liberated when you enter your home? Do you have things you do not use? Are all of your belongings scattered all over your house? Do you feel disorganized both inside and out?

Home Clutter Unveiled

Clutter and disorganization often flow to and from one another. Karen Kingston, author of Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui, defines clutter in four categories:

  1. Things you do not use or love
  2. Things that are untidy or disorganized
  3. Too many things in too small a space
  4. Anything unfinished (so very true)

Clutter is often a by-product of an overwhelming and busy life. Here are five tips to declutter your home to help you live a blissful life.

Clutter is often a by-product of an overwhelming and busy life. Research has found that typically a constant state of disorganization, or clutter, is the result of a person suffering physically, socially, and/or emotionally. Let’s face it, our daily lives are filled to capacity with a lots of happenings, some useful and meaningful and some not so much. This is the time disorganization and clutter can creep up on you without you noticing. The next thing you know, the space in your home becomes a mound of stuff scattered here and there. Of course, there are things you think you need or could find some use for in the future, but ask yourself when is the last time you used “it?"

To let energy flow and feel more liberated at home, start clearing out and letting go of stuff. Anyone who has ever cleaned out a closet and taken stuff to Goodwill knows how liberating it is. You feel lighter, your mind feels clearer. ~Cecile Andrews. This is a huge part of living a blissful life. Let’s get started with five tips to de-clutter home.

Five Tips to Declutter Your Home

  1. Clutter is often a by-product of an overwhelming and busy life. Here are five tips to declutter your home to help you live a blissful life.Slow down. Life can be chaotic. Take notice of your surroundings.
  2. Designate an inbox spot. Pick a spot for important and junk mail.
  3. Give away. Identify things you don’t love and donate them.
  4. Ask a friend to help. Invite a friend to help you get organized.
  5. Rearrange furniture. Position your furniture so your home feels open.

You can also find Dr. Savion on her website, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook.

APA Reference
Savion, S. (2014, April 13). Five Simple Ways to Declutter Your Home, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 1 from

Author: Sydney Savion, D.Ed.

Betty Carlson
June, 9 2014 at 3:28 pm

I always have a give away box going. Then I have the trash can with out a home that moves around to be a throw away. Third I have a designated laundry basket that is my put away. I follow and my 3 contained rotate with the zones. It is helping.

Pam Dickhaus
June, 16 2014 at 3:10 pm

that's all well and good if you're well enough to do the work. being major depressive plus anxiety and ADHD, makes it hard to get ANYthing done and i have no one to help me. Any ideas? It's too overwhelming for me right now and i basically don't do anything because of that.

Dr Musli Ferati
April, 18 2014 at 1:12 am

In a few words, the process of arrangement of home indicates the hygiene of inhabitation, as crucial aspect of healthy life style. Indeed, home is the place and time when anyone spend the most part of its life. On the other hand, home satisfy numerous biological, personal, emotional, professional. social needs in most comfortable way. Therefore, it ought to be mindful on adjustment of its interior, because this has got great impact on global welfare. Your five observations on de-clutting home provides excellent probability to improve the model of daily functioning. For me, the last one exhibits the manageable way to accomplish the useful intention: "my sweet home". To achieve this goal, it should be more strict and decided on temporary caprices and suggestions that narrow up the life space of home. Indeed, home isn't store house to possess everything; instead it is the place when anyone could find out the quietude and peace of body and soul, as well.

Elina Ponting
April, 16 2014 at 1:53 am

Awesome post. The introduction was good. And, the five points mentioned in this blog is also good and very important for me. Keep sharing.

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