

On tonight’s show, Dr. Harry Croft did a wonderful job in explaining food addiction. Due to technical difficulties, our scheduled guest, Caryl Ehrlich was not able to share her insight with us. Dr. Croft provided insights into addiction to food, saying that those who suffer often deal with other issues and use food as a coping mechanism. Compulsive overeating often includes food that is high in fat and sugar; never food that is good for us such as carrots or celery.
We'll be discussing food addiction on the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show this Tuesday. With depression, obesity and diabetes on the rise in the United States, addiction to food is a serious matter. Finding out the reason why you are overeating is the first step to living a life free of shame.
Narcissism: An Inflated Sense of Self It’s always a good idea to have some self-worth. We are often reminded of the old adage “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.” While this is true for some, there are others in this world that can do without the second part of that cliché. For them, self-love and admiration is extreme and results in problematic and unhealthy relationships.
While the term "sexual addiction" may not be accepted in the world of psychiatry, Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, says it is very real and carries hefty consequences.
Being an addict is difficult. The desire for drugs, alcohol or cigarettes can be so powerful that the need will disrupt the ability to lead a normal life.
The topic of Tuesday’s show, Surviving the Suicide of a Child, was quite difficult, but we hope it may prevent the tragic loss of another life by suicide. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, provided some reasons why children and teens might choose to die by suicide: • Depression • Loss of relationship • Drug and alcohol abuse
Where do you turn? How do you cope when your child commits suicide? The transformation from childhood into teenage years should be a memorable one. The progression from grade school to middle school, then to high school brings special moments such as school dances, track meets and new friends. However, some kids have different experiences. Pain from rejection, bullying, and disappointments consume some children and cause them to end their lives by suicide.
Living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can cause a sufferer a lot of agony. HealthyPlace Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, says OCD sufferers are paralyzed by unwanted thoughts, doubt, and fear. It’s these irrational thoughts, reports Dr. Croft, that cause repetitive actions such as checking, counting, or washing hands, just to bring them to what they feel is a "safe" place. The true inspiration of Tuesday’s show was our guest, James Callner. He took us through his journey with OCD from the very beginning, at age 29. Now in his late fifties, he still suffers from OCD, but is proud to say that he lives in a high-functioning state.
Have you ever experienced unwanted thoughts or felt the need to repeat an action over-and-over again until you felt safe? Have these thoughts or actions caused you anxiety, to the point of interfering with your normal activities? If so, we invite you to watch Tuesday night’s show focusing on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Parenting is a tough job. Parenting a child with a mental illness is unusually tough, as we learned from Tuesday evening's HealthyPlace TV Show.

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Dawn Gressard
Hello Andrea!
You are absolutely correct when you said, "They're still going to act like people." People are people who will act in ways we wish they wouldn't -- even the ones closest to us. That statement can be a large pill to swallow, yet it is one that we need to get down if we want to sustain our mental health. I have a specific page in my journal that lists things I can control and can't. I often look at it to remind myself that I can't control other people's actions, choices, or feelings.
Douglas Howe
Trauma for 34 years
Tyler M
Yea but as an addict who has had 1 day clean watching someone celebrate clean time and someone who has also celebrated 2 times for my 2 years clean. I can say with my heart it's needed. It's evidence that the program works for the newcomer. As well as a milestone to be celebrated. If you have ever gotten to one week clean from fentanyl addiction you understand everyday is a massive victory. A whole year. A Fn miracle. Multiple... Another miracle. The focus is on the power greater than me. The program and a God of my understanding did this IN MY LIFE. That's the message. I couldn't stay clean one day without it and if I stop coming I'll surely use again.
My son is adhd and touretts and insomnia its so bad he don't go to school he don't respect and he don't care about anything he got treatment and therapy and he still don't listen so I'm very frustrated tired stress I got my own mental illness as well I just feel like nothing works don't know what else I can do
Sean Gunderson
Thanks for your support. I’m glad you appreciate my essay. What milestones, big or small, can you use in your life to improve self-esteem?