

I have read that anxiety can be caused by growing up in an atmosphere where you are taught that the world is a very scary place. As a first time parent, I want to protect my little girl from everything and anything that can harm her, however, I don't want to be an overprotective parent and cause her to not have confidence and independence (Can Kids Blame Their Parents for Social Phobias?). It's a balancing act I am still trying to figure out. Are you too relaxed with your children, too uptight, or have you got it all figured out?
I'm reading the Bipolar Vida blog, and wondering "how much can one person take?" Cristina, admittedly, had a bad childhood which, she says, probably triggered the bipolar disorder she now lives with. In the months since she started her bipolar blog here at, Cristina has endured depressive episodes, hypomania, and everything else bipolar disorder can bring your way. Yet, in almost every blog post, she mentions that she's doing everything she can to keep her bipolar recovery on track.
Theresa leads a pretty normal life (some may even say boring) — she is married, has a baby daughter and a dog. She started writing about her thoughts and observations on life on her personal blog, LuvBuv. Shortly thereafter, she was asked to blog about relationships, family, and well-being for the HealthyPlace community.
I encourage parents to step up early and with urgency when a child has an eating disorder. Sometimes, for various reasons, this encouragement gets me into trouble.
ADHD runs through a family tree like a clown car in a china shop. What ADHD tales do you have from your family tree?
When I was a kid, show and tell created the most memorable moments in school. Not the tell part. The tell was boring. We heard about Betty going to a “real, real fun zoo” and Bobby getting a new bike; this information made us shift in our seats, roll our eyes, and make funny faces at whoever was talking. But the showing, now that was great. We got to touch a slimy frog, hear Cathy scream as a budgie landed in her hair and be frightened as a snake’s tongue lashed out in front of us. Showing was where the action was. But with mental illness, it’s never the show that people want, only the tell. People are frightened by, and run from, the show.
I have tried to write another blog post, several times, but can't get anywhere. This happens when I'm trying to avoid something: I stumble over it anyway. There is no avoiding it: I went to a funeral this weekend of a young woman killed by anorexia and I'm sad and I'm mad and I'm sad again and I don't see how to think about anything else.
If you have ADHD, then you are probably well aware of your mind's ability to hyperfocus on absolute wastes of time. You may even specialize in it, wasting time with such flare that your unemployed friends marvel at you. Video games are my weakness. I usually avoid them, but occasionally I get sucked in and have to turn to drastic measures to pull myself out.
I have to admit that I completely failed to stay upbeat and positive. All I could think was "When will this end‽" It always ends, like a passing storm in the night. Terrible while overhead, but soon forgotten in the beautiful morning that follows. My "morning" started at 7:15pm Thursday night.
Adventures in Bipolar Diagnosis continued from part one... Lamictal was indeed a miracle for me. It allowed me to finish my bachelor’s degree, get a job in my field, and even become a skydiver. In retrospect, it was an amazing time to be me, to be in remission. Everything was good, until it wasn’t. I felt myself slipping about two years into the Lamictal treatment. For no known reason, the medication simply stopped working. This is a common problem with psychotropic meds and something else no one likes to mention.

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Hi Natasha
Thanks for another great article! Although I wonder if there's at least an astronaut living with Bipolar.
I started Latuda (20 mg) in January 2020. I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life before and after being diagnosed with BP.
I couldn't go back to life before bipolar disorder, because if I didn't always have it, I always suffer from mental illnesses like depression and OCD. But I definitely wouldn't go back to life before Latuda.
Hey I just want to say hi. I read what you wrote and felt like maybe you might could use some one to talk to. I looked up about cutting scars and the healing process and found this page. I've been going through some stuff with my husband and picked up scissors last night. I wasn't really trying to cut myself or do any harm, but yet this morning I have marks on my arm. I got to thinking as I read your post how I can see that if we don't have someone to talk to or ways to deal with the issues of life, how this could become an outlet. I'm sorry that you've had to go this route. Maybe your road here started like my incident last night did. Idk what brought you to where you are today. But I do want to say that I know, even in my mess with my husband, there's a better way. I'm not here to preach to you. I'm not a preacher. I'm just a lady who's a mom and a Nana. I love my family and would do anything to help them. And when I read your post, it made me want to reach out to you. So here I am. The better way to deal with things is this... his name is Jesus. He is the son of God. He came to this world and gave his life for our sins. He died and rose again 3 days later. He's alive and he cares about you more than anyone ever will or could. All he wants is for you to call on his name and talk to him. If you'll receive him, he will make things better for you. He cares about what you care about. He's never to busy for you and never has anything else more important that you. He's a friend that will stick closer than a brother. he will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you until the very end. Just call on him.
Again I'm not a preacher. I'm just someone who's life Jesus changed one day after learning about him and calling on him. I hope somehow I was at least a little help to you. If you'd like to talk, I'm here.
I have a blood test tomorrow and the vein the doctor needs blood from is the one covered in cuts, from my wrist to elbow and my mum will be in the room. my makeup doesn't hide well and my cuts are bumpy and hard to hide, even if my mums not in the room I'm scared the doctor will tell my mum I've been self harming
I'm so grateful for finding you all here. My late mother was my best friend and we battled on together through domestic violence, death, birth, divorce, cancer and dementia. She helped raise my 3 sons all in their twenties now after their dad left when they were 5,3&2.
They are all high achievers and I'm very proud of them but I too feel like I'm walking on egg shells. They are critical, insensitive and hold me responsible for all the wrongs in the world. I also feel that I can't live my own life and all my choices and decisions are scrutinised. They hold their partners families in high regard and pander to all of their needs. I feel sad, lonely and often depressed after speaking with my eldest son. His partner is moody and demanding and I feel he takes it out on me rather than confront her. I'm 53, single, hard working and just want to start living a life without constant criticism and guilt. I've had enough! I think this generation are entitled, Narcissistic and very selfish.
I’ve been doing sh since i was 8, so it’s been really hard to quit. The best advice is probably to sleep so i hope this helps, i don’t really know what to say.