

Have you ever been in a stressful situation and made it out alright, but then had a panic attack afterward when everything calmed down? I had a family vacation I was stressing about once. I was worried before we left, but I didn't have any anxiety on the trip itself, until the drive home when the worst was over. I suddenly and unexpectedly got hit with a panic attack I couldn't manage. What's up with that?
Everyone gets buried in email, especially the disorganized, but is there a way to get back on top without abandoning email entirely?
HealthyPlace is known as a mental health site, so when we opened the HealthyPlace Diabetes Center this month, we wondered would anyone really come. Since June 1, over 8,000 people have viewed the content; many of them very interested in our special section on Diabetes and Mental Health, written by award-winning mental health author, Julie Fast.
Last night, I watched Crazy for Love a very bad movie wherein a man, Max, is put into a mental hospital for attempting suicide for the tenth time. When he’s there, he glimpses a very ill, schizophrenic, Grace, whereupon he instantaneously falls in love with her. She too is determined to kill herself. His life’s mission then is to “make her better”. To “make her happy”. Having found his new mission in life, he no longer wants to kill himself. Well, pin a rose on his nose.
When most people think of anorexia, they think of weight loss. But often the first clue isn't losing weight, it is a child failing to gain expected weight.
Today is one of those days where if I am asked to do one more thing for someone, I am going to lose it. I am a people-pleaser, which means I have a really hard time saying no. So when I am asked to help out, I am almost always going to reply with a big grin and a "sure thing," even if I don't want to. Today I feel stretched so thin. I feel like I am just not capable to do all of it. But I stress that if I break commitments, then I will make someone mad at me. So, either way, I lose. Stress is there no matter what. What happened to good old laid back Fridays?
This week I did an interview for the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV show. We discussed what it is to have bipolar disorder, the impact, what works and what doesn't.
There was a time when my wife didn't send me out to the store. I couldn't be trusted not to get lost for two hours in the magazine section. All those glossy covers with their reams and reams of scintillating prose… Some of them didn't even have bathing suit beauties. Ah, the blissful halcyon days of the early 90s before I discovered the Internet. But surely there was a way to shop without getting lost.
I am crazy. I tell this to people in my personal life. It’s not a secret. I figure there’s no point in trying to cover it up; it’ll come out eventually. The approximately 20 scars on my forearms rather give away that something is wrong. But people really don’t like the word “crazy”. In fact, most often, what people say to me is, “no, you’re not!”. Well, actually, I am. I'm bipolar and I’m crazy.
At first your child's new habits seem normal, even admirable: a diet to shape up or new health-conscious habits. Then it seems to be getting extreme: refusing to eat what the family is having, and questioning every ingredient. One day, you realize this isn't a phase, this is an eating disorder, and the eating disorder can get very ugly, very fast. As a parent, it's important to support your child and not to demean them for their mental illness. It's important to separate your child from the eating disorder.

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Crazy pants
“Woo on to those who will hurt my little ones” anyone who forces DID onto someone will have to feel gods wrath. Not feeling in control of my own body is a horrible feeling. Having others pull out my alters as a form of control is just wrong. Be safe out there all you DIDers.
Crazy pants
I just realized I had DID these past 3 years was full of even more trauma than when I was a kid. I started getting flashbacks of ppl and places. I couldn’t figure out why I was having weird flashbacks. The sad part is horrible ppl knew that about me and have a trigger word so they can control me. I feel like I have no control over my own body anymore. How can ppl do that to someone who has already been through so much and use me like this. I feel like I’m a puppet. I’m scared to tell my therapist or anyone cause I have flashbacks of ppl telling me to shut my mouth. The CIA taught these ppl how to do this to me. Who know how many others are forced into DID. Everyone please be safe. It’s scary losing time and not know what’s going on. Please don’t email me back. It’s not safe just pray for me please. “Woo on to those who would hurt my little one!”
beautiful comment gave me tears with love thank you
Dawn Gressard
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It sounds incredibly tough, especially being far from home without your usual support network. Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1) Keep detailed records of your work, interactions with your boss, and performance reviews. This can help protect you if you feel you're being unfairly targeted. 2) Familiarize yourself with the labor laws in that country, especially those related to workplace discrimination and mental health. Depression is covered under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). However, I don't know how that works outside the US. 3) Consider a backup plan in case you get fired. This might include looking for new job opportunities in your current location and back home or contacting any contacts you have for support or advice. Hopefully, you can ready yourself and begin considering your next steps. This way, you hopefully won't become even more depressed, as unemployment can often lead to. I wish you all the luck and sending good vibes your way!
Oof, yeah this article is all kinds of ableist ignorance and while there is some truth laced into certain points, (if you take those pieces out of the overall article and separate them), the majority of this article actually only applies to people with an exact situation like yours.

Also, abuse is wrong, and in order for it to be abuse means there is automatically someone on the receiving end who doesn’t deserve it, which is what is called a victim. In actuality, you can be both a victim AND a survivor AT THE SAME TIME.

I am interested in a lot of the topics available on this site, but this article honestly makes me question how ignorant and untruthful/misrepresenting other articles on this site might be. This article betrays credibility for the site as a whole. Might want to consider that. Especially with both disability AND domestic violence being on the rise…this article is only going to get more and more negative feedback over time.