

Believe it or not, a mundane trip to the grocery store helped me learn to enjoy food again. The year was 2019. I had recently moved across the United States from Florida to Arizona. And in my new zip code, there was a Trader Joe's on almost every corner. I am aware that makes me come across as a basic Millennial stereotype (which I own, for the record), but living near Trader Joe's has proven to be a crucial milestone in my eating disorder recovery. Here's how this grocery store helped me learn to enjoy food again—and to eat what I love without shame.
For some people, an all-or-nothing mentality can be one of the possible results of verbal abuse. However, it isn't just verbally abusive actions that can cause this. Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are also commonly linked to an all-or-nothing mentality.
Forced gratitude happens thanks to the fact that gratitude is trendy -- it's been in for a couple of years now. And whenever something becomes popular, many of us jump on the bandwagon. Of course, it may be that practicing gratitude benefits your mental health. But what if your gratitude isn't genuine but forced? Can it then backfire and harm your mental health? Let's take a look. 
Code-switching in borderline personality disorder (BPD) is something I've been trying to understand lately. I know so far that it's a survival strategy I've clung to in a reality where the threat of rejection casts its shadow over everything.
I am an introvert who is coping with depression. Being introverted is a personality trait where I thrive on independence and recharge mentally when alone. I can also become emotionally drained when I'm in social settings, including at work. So, how am I, as an introvert, supposed to reach out for help and not become entirely isolated when I'm experiencing an episode of depression? Even though it has been difficult, within the last year, I have come up with some ways of coping with my depression that do not emotionally drain me but allow me not to become isolated.
Twenty years after being sexually assaulted, my childhood trauma made me sick. At the age of 24, I learned — the hard way — that if you ignore your emotions for too long, they will find other ways to get your attention, and even childhood trauma can make you sick.
My name is Dawn Gressard, and I am ecstatic to be a new writer for the "Coping with Depression" blog at HealthyPlace. As a trainer of peer support specialists, I know how vital it is to share similar lived experiences with others, not only for our coping with depression and recovery but for others’ coping as well. It is always easier to endure the journey when you know you are not alone -- and none of us are.
About 16 years ago, I was prescribed an antipsychotic for my schizoaffective disorder, and it triggered obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms. Here are some of the ways I acted with schizoaffective disorder and OCD.
Two common responses to verbal abuse include fawning and appeasement. Although they share some similar characteristics, each is unique and can produce alternative results. I used to think appeasement was the same as fawning, but I was wrong. 
One of the problems I have found when dealing with anxiety is not knowing why I'm anxious. Overall, throughout the years, I've been able to build my resilience to stress, and as a result, I can cope more effectively when I'm experiencing a stressful situation. But, part of the problem with having an anxiety disorder is that, even if you've felt fairly well for quite some time, you can still experience a resurgence of anxiety symptoms. Even during the happiest times in my life, I've had to be aware of anxiety triggers and how they may affect me when I least expect it, even when I don't know why I'm anxious.

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April P.
I have a niece who is 13 and a puberty bedwetter.She wears a size 8 Pampers diaper with rubberpants over it to bed every night.The pampers and rubberpants are put on her an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime by her mom and then she gets on her dads lap and loves to be cuddled by him for a while. I am wondering if this is appropriate for her! The most disturbing part is she wears rubberpants with babyprints on them over her pampers sometimes and i have seen her on her dads lap being cuddled and held like a baby! She is a good kid,but i feel she is taking her diaper wearing to seriously.Is there any thing i can do or should i just leave the situation alone?
hi i am cam i am 14 i have been sh ever since i was 11 but i am finally about 3 months clean :3
Cassidy R.
When i started my puberty at age 12,i too started bedwetting.My parents got me the cloth pin on diapers and rubberpants to wear to bed every night.I had a few pair of white ones,and a few pair of pink ones ,but most of the rest were babyprints which mom liked and told me they were cute and girly! I wore the diapers and babyprint rubberpants up untill my bedwetting ended just past 15!
I think it is rude, or at least inconsiderate, for reasons mentioned in the article, like some people are out of work or don’t work. I hate the question and will avoid people because of it. I would like to respond, “why do you ask?”
lincoln stoller
I'm agnostic and a mental health professional. I have an ex-wife who is BPD and Pentecostal. She has described to me altered state experiences while under the influence of ayahuasca in which she conversed with her demons. I understand these demons not as religious, spiritual, or supernatural beings, but as protections that she invited into her life to separate her from the childhood sexual abuse of her past. The demons provide her with amnesia in exchange for what amounts to consuming her soul. She fervently believes in the saving power of Jesus Christ but this is spiritual bypassing because, in her case, she continues to create relationships and then psychically destroy the men in her life.
I believe she will only be able to rid herself of her demons, and hopefully her BPD as well, when she's ready to confront the abuse of her father. If she can put the blame where it belongs, she may stop projecting that victim/perpetrator cycle on the present men in her life. These demons are a metaphor for the purgatory she has created for herself. That reality has consequences in the real world, but it need not be real in the tangible sense. Exorcising her demons will require the expenditure of real physical energy and probably the destruction of aspects of her personality. If this ever happens, and it's possible but not probable, then these demons will evaporate. They are only as real as one's personality is real. In short, reality is not the question, it's what you make of the things you feel to be real.